Petro Sep was established in 1999 after pioneering work by the founders of the company in the field of membrane-based filtration and separation systems.
It has now come a long way since and Petro Sep now manages custom and turnkey industrial projects for separation of complex fluid mixtures.
With our offices in Canada, Malaysia and China, Petro Sep has a global team of experts that cater to our projects worldwide from inception to execution and operations.
Petro Sep has developed several patented products as well as proprietary processes that enable keen advantages for applications across various industries. In addition to the economic savings, Petro Sep projects provide environmental benefits as well as reduced logistical footprint in managing waste and solvent recovery.
Petro Sep has successfully manufactured and installed plants in Canada, United States, Malaysia, China, and Saudi Arabia.

In luctus, orci in vehicula dapibus, dui turpis interdum nulla, ut eleifend arcu turpis vitae
ipsum. Nulla lacinia urna eros, vel pharetra leo pulvinar nec. Phasellus non euismod sem. Sed
hendrerit nulla sit amet massa aliquet, sed vulputate velit dignissim.

Years of Combined Experience (Membrane Technologies)

Projects Delivered Worldwide

Up to 99.99%
Recovery Possible!

Less than 2-3
Years for 100% ROI*

Partnerships & Joint-Ventures
Petro Sep technology has numerous applications across many industries. Petro Sep has developed long-term licensing rights and joint-venture partnerships with many stakeholders for specific industry sectors and verticals.
Petro Sep has identified further verticals and applications for investors, where its technology addresses critical needs of the industry while providing solid economic returns to vested stakeholders and ensuring environmental sustainability as well.
Contact us for further details on those opportunities.
Turnkey solutions that will save you money and help the planet.